Söndag 6 aril 2014 South Water Cay, Belize
100 nm Totalt: 11500 nm
3 timmars bussresa anländer vi till Flores i norra delen av Guatemala. En taxi
som vi prutar ner till hälften, tar oss den sista biten till ett litet hotell
vid sjön Petén Itza. Hotellet är en ”ecolodge” och har en miljövänlig profil.
Det som märks av detta är en vacker trädgård med information om de olika
växterna och trädens betydelse i mayakulturen.
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Utsikt över sjön Petén Itza / View over the lake Petén Itza |
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På väg till templen / Walking to the temples |
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Första templet dyker upp The first temple pops up |
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Den Stora Jaguarens Tempel Temple of the Giant Jaguar |
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Den Stora Jaguarens Tempel/ Temple of the Giant Jaguar |
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Great Plaza |
har fyra höga tempelbyggnader som sticker upp över skogen. Dessutom finns det
flera mindre tempel i området och en mängd andra byggnader. Efter ett par
dödsstörtningar är det numera förbjudet att klättra uppför de branta trapporna
på templens utsidor. Vid det högsta templet, den Tvåhövdade Ormens Tempel, 65
meter högt, finns trätrappor på utsidan som leder upp till toppen och en
fantastisk utsikt ovanför trädtopparna med de högsta templen stickandes upp mot
mayafolket lämnade staden omkring 900-talet e. Kr. tog naturen snabbt över och
begravde byggnadsverken under århundradens grönska. Samtidigt övergavs även de
övriga mayaplatserna i Centralamerika. Man är osäker om anledningen, var det
farsot eller svält? Först i mitten av 1800-talet upptäcktes Tikal. Tyska och
inhemska arkeologer började gräva fram och restaurera byggnaderna. Ett arbete
som fortfarande pågår. Arkeologerna har hittills funnit 3.000 byggnader.
Området är fullt av trädbevuxna kullar som var och en förmodligen döljer en
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Övervuxet tempel? / Greenery hiding a temple? |
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Pågående restaurering / Restauration underway |
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Var är aporna? / Where are the monkeys? |
Sunday 6 aril, 2014 South Water Cay, Belize
Trip: 100 nm Total: 11500 nm
After a bus trip of 3 hours we arrive in Flores in
Guatemala’s northern part. A taxi which we negotiate down to half the price
asked, takes us the last leg to a small hotel at the lake Petén Itza. The hotel
is an ecolodge and has an environmental friendly profile. That is shown by a
beautiful garden with information about the plants and the meaning in the Maya
culture of the different trees.
Very early morning and a taxi bus ride the last miles
to Tikal, the largest Maya site in Guatemala and rivalling with the famous
Mexican sites Chichen Itza and Tulum. As we are so early there is lots of bird
song when walking into the site. Suddenly a high tower becomes visible among
the trees. It is the top of the first temple. Soon a large open area opens up
in front of us surrounded by several temples and ruins of large buildings.
This is the Great Plaza, center of the Maya city
Tikal. The Temple of the Giant Jaguar
stands on one side of the plaza and the Temple of the Masks on the opposite
side. The names are derived from adornments.
The temples were built as burial monuments of the rulers. Tombs have
been discovered deep inside the temples. The method of building and the
function reassembles the Egyptian pyramids. The construction of Tikal started
around 600 BC and approximately 50,000 people are supposed to have lived here.
It is incredible to walk around among the ruins and imagine the bustling life
centuries ago.
Tikal has four high temples rising above the trees.
Besides there are several small temples in the area and lot of other buildings. After some fatal
accidents it is now forbidden to climb the steep stairs on the facades of the
temples. The highest temple, the Temple of the Two Headed Snake, 65 meter high,
has wooden stairs to the top and a marvelous view over the tree canopy and the
highest temples popping up.
When the Maya left the city around 900 AD, the nature
invaded and buried all buildings under centuries of greenery. At the same time the other Maya sites in
Central America were also abandoned. Reason unknown, was it the plague or
famine? Not until mid 19th century Tikal was rediscovered. German
and local archeologists started to uncover and restore the buildings. A work
still continuing. The archeologists have up to now found 3,000 buildings. The
area has many tree covered hills, each one could hide a ruin.
Suddenly there are horrifying howls in the forest! The
heart stops beating. It sounds like gorilla males fighting for a nice gorilla
lady. The howls get louder and louder. Is it the Mayan Gods taking revenge as
we are entering their territory? No, it is howler monkeys swinging from tree
top to tree top. They are not visible but are heard the more.
The Maya had a high level of culture with their own
script and great knowledge of astronomy. They had advanced methods of
irrigation and intense trade along the Yucatan peninsula. There were many Mayan
states in today’s Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, all concentrated around a city.
Often the cities were fighting each
other, the Mayans were a people of warfare. A certain period Tikal was the
leading state after defeating several neighbouring states. Also inside the
cities violence was popular in form of gladiator tournaments with death as the
only result. Also blood sacrifices to the Gods and other cruelties. We have
revaluated our earlier opinion of the Mayans as a peaceful people.
Tänk att de kunde så mycket för så längesen! Intressant!!
SvaraRaderaHär hemma har våren gjort sitt intåg! Blåsippor uti backarna står!! Kram